Big bang 2. I run into the lights of a new dawn, among the greatness of the world inside me, reaching for what I still don’t know, I run, going through the melancholy, the bitterness, the regret, I run towards the unknown. I hear a thunderous roar inside me, an internal 'Big Bang' hits me and turns everything upside down. What is old has now been shattered, and a new light opens the door to the futurePer-corsi. I looked out of the window; during the night the weather had changed and in a few hours the wind blew away all the clouds to the west, while dark and threatening clouds still appeared behind the house. I observed the sky and I thought how much it nourishes me, protects me, and listens to me. I greedily walked through the infinite shades, I played with the ever changing movement of white clouds and I saw some of them intersecting with some others, creating twines similar to paths, multiple crossroads leading in many different directions. I thought about how many times in my life I took some unknown paths and ignoring others, I took some, without even seeing them. I thought to where these paths would have brought me if I had taken them. It depends on the choice of an instant of taking or leaving them'Sospiro del cielo', oil on plywood, cm 50 x 7'Viaggio', oil on plywood, cm 70 x 100'Sorgente di Vita 2', oil on plywood, cm 90 x 32'Sorgente di Vita', oil on wood, cm 60 x 60 (private owner)
'Anima atomica 82', mixed technique (lead, faux leather, oil), cm 80 x 50'Composizioni', mixed technique (plexiglass, faux leather, oil), cm 80 x 50 (private owner)'Mistero', oil on plywood, cm 150 x 50'Matematica Celeste', oil on plywood, cm 80 x 40'Matematica Celeste 2', oil on plywood, cm 80 x 40'Apocalisse Celeste', oil on plywood, cm 110 x 50. It was inevitable. I felt completely lost. I turned and I looked at my past, my choices, my decisions, my life and all I saw was a life suspended in time. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain, my eyes filled with bitter tears. I turned and I felt like I was falling into an abyss, a 'Sky Blue Apocalypse', a tumble towards the unknown
'Aldilà del sé 2', oil on plywood, cm 100 x 70'Aldilà del sé', oil on plywood, cm 50 x 110 (private owner). The only thing I could do, was heading for the path inside of me. I ventured into my unknown deepest places, and I stopped there. I sat down and under the emotions tree 'Beyond myself', I started to pay attention: a gentle breeze brought me voices, memories, illusions and each of them slowly wove a strong metallic mesh in which I completely felt trapped. I was immediately aware that my entire life was called into question: every trip entails that the day meets the night and the dark the light, exactly as it happens in everyone’s life. The only choice is FREEDOM, the essence of the painting'Alla ricerca dell’armonia interiore', oil on plywood, cm 100 x 70. I found myself among the thoughts, the uncertainties of life that surrounded my soul as the canvases mirror it. Each canvas represented a feeling, floating along with the other ones 'looking for internal harmony', for an order, for a proper place, in search of awareness and truth'Flessibile arte del vivere', oil on plywood, cm 100 x 70. After so much wandering into my subconscious, I felt suddenly stronger. I looked into myself and I felt more aware. While being surrounded by a multitude of unanswered questions and by bitterness that I still feel, I didn’t allow the events to overcome my soul and I realized the 'flexible art of living', where everything was back in a new order, still in motion'Ascesi', oil on plywood, cm 70 x 70
'Squarcio del nembo', oil on plywood, cm 90 x 30. My soul had been restless for a longtime, full of fears, questions, frustrations. I looked up to the sky with my heart full of resentment and bitter desires. I entered the dark mantle of that day and all of a sudden I saw a 'Gash in the cloud', a wound, a laceration, the same that was living deep in my spirit and in my soul'Big Bang', oil on plywood, cm 50 x 110. I run into the lights of a new dawn, among the greatness of the world inside me, reaching for what I still don’t know, I run, going through the melancholy, the bitterness, the regret, I run towards the unknown. I hear a thunderous roar inside me, an internal 'Big Bang' hits me and turns everything upside down. What is old has now been shattered, and a new light opens the door to the futureCosmogonia', oil on plywood, cm 70 x 90. The sky is the infinite, it’s a common roof for everyone, but it’s comfort to me, I feel it like home. I feel as if I am at home underneath it, allowing me to have a conversation with those people who are no longer with us. I am able to glide, turn, land on the white clouds and blue colors, and let myself be swallowed by a renewal wind, brightness, freshness, in a 'Cosmogony' of emotions'Cosmogonia 2', oil on plywood, cm 90 x 150'Eventi ad incastri', oil on plywood, cm 100 x 50'Il potere della luce', oil on plywood, cm 110 x 25 (private owner)
'Desire of lightness', oil on plywood, cm 40 x 70. Before starting to paint, I went into the garden. The smell of the grass, the rustle of its leaves and the sun insinuating through the dancing fronds of the olive tree, let  the tired shadows slide on the green earth. Lazy clouds wandered in the blue sky, and the tinkling of suspended crystals composed a magical music that caressed my soul. I was observing the little figure of my son who was sitting under the shadow enjoying himself blowing bubbles. His big amazed eyes were following the bubbles in the air. I looked at him with great affection and love and I felt a great 'Desire of lightness'. All of a sudden I didn’t feel old, neither far from him, but being a part of that spectacle of sensations. I was full of sweetness, disenchantment and gratitude, I let myself go, and I felt a sensation of a rebirth with a renewed breathing'Esci dall'ombra', oil on plywood, cm 50 x 70'Omaggio allo yacht club di Loano 2', oil on plywood, cm 40 x 80'Omaggio allo yacht club di Loano 1', oil on plywood, cm 80 x 40'Ivory moon', oil on plywood, cm 90 x 150. The rain has washed away the shadows, the waltz of the clouds has opened the curtain to a bright and velvety night, giving access to hopes and dreams. A gentle breeze ruffles the clouds and the thoughts, cleans the dressed up sky, that reveals its biggest star; an 'Ivory Moon' appears on the stage of this wonderful place and, without doing anything, attracts all the eyes and all the admiration on her. Tears of Emotion get caught on her lashes and the heart embraces her willowy caress