Recent events and meetings

Familiy duties and daily menage too often shrink the time devoted to organizing exhibitions and happenings with friends where I can expose my artworks and talk to people who love art.

This page shows the recent events which filled me with kindliness and warmth from friends and fellows.

See you soon at the next event!


Sky stories' - Contemporary art exhibition. 3rd-11th december 2011. Fano, Saint Michael's church 'On the sky shore' - Contemporary art exhibit. 10th-13th may 2012. Fano, J Club
'Dress you up with sky colors - Wear the sky' - Exhibition netween art and vogue. 7th-21st march 2015. Fano, Modigliani boutique 'When the art meets palate' - Temporary art exposition by Raffaella Calcagnini. 31st july 2015. Fano, Barone Rosso Restaurant